This weeks motto for everyone on the College Program. This week has been really hard mentally and physically on all of us. We are all working crazy hours, and of course it is the week that all of our major assignments are due for classes. So on top of a 50 hour work week, my group and I turned in a 50 page business plan. We are pooped, and we are ready for summer peak to end. which it will in just a few more weeks. Then we go to non peak season which we are all looking forward to greatly. In other news all the fall people are arriving! Which is amazing because that means that we have been here for two months now! I can't believe we are already a week into August. They have already started setting up for Halloween here. The celebration officially starts September 1st with Mickey's not so scary halloween party. Last night we had a girls night at Magic kingdom. Monique, Lillie and I rode so many rides. We were laughing at everything because we were just so tired.
I have been having a bit of homesickness this week because it is just so stressful, so finding little things to distract me are really nice. I might do a couple of auditions in the coming weeks, we shall see how that goes. I have shoes on order so if I decide to do one I will have shoes other than my awesome new nike dance and yoga shoes. which are awesome and I love them, and I never want to take them off since they are so comfy. I am afraid to dance in them because i don't want to get them dirty.
I have been at All Star Resorts this week which has been a real change. I like it but it is crazy. There are 6 pools, 4 of them are the normal busy, but two of them are crazy. Three more days at All Star then back to non busy Animal Kingdom. At all star you walk a lot more than at Animal Kingdom. At AK you normally walk 5-7 miles in a shift. On one stand alone at All Star at the Grand Slam pool, you walk at least three miles. You are on that stand three times in a night, you can easily do 10-12 miles in a shift. and my feet show it. Bruised completely, and a new one for me, I walked so much that my feet actually bled. ouch.
I just found out that there is a cross country train that I could use to get back to Oregon in January. I love taking the train, so I am excited to look into taking it. The route goes along the eastern sea board then chicago to california then up the west coast. It is certainly something to look into. Plus with all my stuff it might be easier to take a train than to fly... I am trying to spend my money wisely, which I am actually doing, but there are so many cute things that I just must have :p I only buy one of those things each week. And soon are Christmas discount comes out and then there will be no holding back!

I know it doesn't really look it, but I am tanner than I have ever been in my life. I do love the sun, and my hair has grown so much since I got here. I don't know when my next post will be since I am working overtime for the next week, hopefully after I will go back to my 38-42 hour a week schedule. Those schedules are much nicer to me :P and they are a lot easier on my feet. It is still very hot here, and will be at least through the end of the month. IT is supposed to feel like 100 until about 8 pm tonight, and that is when we have the 80% chance of rain and thunder. Right now it is only 89 right now, however it feels like 98. hmmm. I don't think I have anything else to say for today. :) more photos to be posted in the next week, I am wanting to take a nap before work so I won't post them now. P.S. daily naps are 100% needed while on the College Program.