Friday, December 26, 2014

Be our guest: the restaurant

Merry Christmas everyone! Christmas here is much different. Really I am having a week of Christmas to work around everyone's schedule. Park was extremely full for Christmas itself so I am glad I opened not closed. Here are some photos of my many Christmases 
Spending the day at the beach with my florida family. 
Eating ice cream with my Florida family 
Making dinner and desserts plus teaching indoor marshmallow roasting 

Making chicken pot pie for Christmas 
And watching Christmas movies and video chatting  everyone :)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

There has been a lot going on in the past few weeks. The big news is that I will be moving out of Disney provided housing right after Christmas. I also have purchased my own car and the day that it arrives is the day that I move out. I have decided that living with this many people is just not for me.
In other news I went to the Christmas Parade and Concert filming: seeing ariana grande and lexie walker in concert. I also went to the College Programs finally prom and got my graduation hat for my first program.

 Ariana Grande Filming in front of the castle

 And her singing
 my friend monique and I. I was dead tired since I had less than three hours of sleep after work.
 lexie walker
 working at momento mori, aka the haunted mansion shop
 I graduated
 meeting hades at formal
 aurora: the prettiest one I have ever seen
 malefacient with the group
just how big the event hall was for the dance.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A lot of things are changing/are in the works right now. I am stressed and busy, but wouldn't want to change it by leaving here. I should have more news in a few days once things sort out a bit.