So I made many magical moments, this one was caught on film and went into the monthly news letter of me playing tea with a little girl. So sweet. This is in Bonjour, a shop in New Fantasyland that sells Beauty and the Beast breakables (i know they put the klutz in a shop filled with dishes, the good news is I have only broken one snow globe so far!) I have also been asked several times if i am the belle from hollywood studios performance of beauty and the beast.
And in my free time I wander. Here is me at the Florida Mall :)
I found a pretty dress, but sadly have no place to wear it too.
what did I actually end up buying you may ask? Well Disney Plush! I might sell this stuff but I love it just the same!
So Monique and I decided to go to Magic Kingdom early one day..... We were super tired but that made space mountain even more fun :)
and the carousal was amazing too :p

because of many different family medical factors I have been a bit stressed so I decided to distract myself by crocheting. scarf #1 done. Just in time too, people seem to think that the end of the world is near because the temp is getting to 60 degrees at night. ok they dont actually think that but they do run for every jacket known to man kind. They would never make it in oregon......
I got to see the very last night of the Frozen Fun celebrations. Here is a photo of the last set of fireworks. Applications to extend our programs come out tomorrow, and I will see in about a month if I get to stay as a CP or if I will transfer into the company instead or move back home.
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