Friday, November 28, 2014

I hope everyone had an amazing  thanksgiving! I know that I did. Ended up eating three different thanksgiving dinners in the course of three hours. And I still have left overs which I will be able to eat for the next several days. Working thanksgiving was a great experience, almost everyone was over the top nice and thanked us for everything that we do.  We (cast members) also had food and caffeine provided by management, which made the night more entertaining than it should have been.
The most memorable part of my night though was being able to be a part of a guests family and help talk a five time combat vet through the PTSD caused by the fireworks.  It is amazing to see the family support networks that are made. I am very glad to say he made it through the fireworks, and was able to continue on with his evening after they were done. I even got to pixie dust everyone in the family. and take family photos with them. Don't forget about our service men and women this time a year, everyone deserves a family that will support them, even if the family isn't by blood or marriage. We are truly one big family here and I am very glad to be a part of it.
Everyone be safe with holiday shopping!! Disneystore does black friday, however disney parks and resorts do not, don't even ask  if there is a sale, there will not be. and the Christmas music can officially start now.. Here is one of my favorites:

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