Friday, January 30, 2015

characters galore!

 me in front of a mulan painting
 duffy bear
 pretty view of epcot
 Universal in Diagon Alley!
 no explanation needed I hope
 My favorite! My lovely Captain America.
 Two of my new roommates
 more superheros!

and more superheros!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sorry Guys! I didn't realize that it had been 17 days since I last posted! oops! I promise to do better in the future. So as normal here is the photo recap from the last few weeks......
 Hey look! I won a prize at work! Tinkerbell is now on my rear view mirror of my beautiful car :P
 I spent some time in Tampa! It was fun staying home and making sure the dogs were cared for, the kids got their homework done when they got home and that dinner was all ready before soccer practice. I also got to go running and shopping to my hearts desire. It was a nice break from the norm. The dogs decided I was their best friend (even though they were mad that I wouldn't let them chase after the river otter that decided to visit the back yard. the dogs followed me every where and when I stopped moving they would lay down and nap. Here is my in the kitchen after putting away dishes, and yup the dogs tried to make things difficult :p

 Maggie also decided to move into my bed. She looks so cute, I kicked her out after an hour because she tried pushing me out of my bed!
 Now I am going to jump ahead to my next days off which were a week later. ok it was only one day off because I picked up a shift on main street USA working the east side for the first time. It was fun, I will go back, but let me tell you this weekend I am taking my full two days off just for me! Getting back to my story, I went to universal and had an amazing cinnabon, I realized while i was there that i hadn't had one since I left Eugene 8 months ago! crazy that it has been so long.
 I got to meet students from different schools like durmstrang and beauxbatons from harry potter. That was a lot of fun. No picture of me because I had just gotten off jurassic park and was soaking wet.
 They even sell the coins from harry potter at universal
 We were planning on going on this roller coaster right before we left but the line was long so we were going to try and hop in line right before it closed, but then we found dessert. and it was amazing.
 look I found dessert again! Strawberry flan, a cream horn, everything cake, and black forest cake. amazing!!!!!!!
 me and the sorting hat, I am a ravenclaw of course
 my dryer broke so I got to have a laundry in my bathroom for a couple of days. it should be fixed asap.
 One nice part about driving to work and getting off "early" is that i get fireworks to celebrate getting off of work!
In other news I still love my new place and my car. I am taking sign language classes right now and am enjoying it, I am completely spent because I am working so hard. I just planned a trip for my parents to come and visit and I am still playing the guitar. My life is pretty full right now. We are getting a lot of new workers this month so work dynamics are off a bit, but they will settle down soon. I am going to be a guest in a park tomorrow so I will post photos soon from that. I want to go on an adventure soon!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Espn was my work location this week and let me tell you I am ready to go back to magic kingdom. The costume Is painful to wear and all I can think about is finishing off unpacking my new place. 
Look I have a queen size bed now!
Our celebratory dinner at Johnny Rockets. 
I got food for returning my rental car
I learned how to pump had and I got  my own car!
Drank champagne

Monday, January 5, 2015

 So many things have happened since I last posted. I am sorry for the long break, I wasn't ready to post until now. Holidays are a crazy time of year, and I hope everyone had a great season. My christmas was great and I spent it with friends and using video chat my family as well. New Years was the same, I watched the new years fireworks while at work. Sadly my grandfather did not make it to new years, as he passed away on new years eve. His passing made this already stressful time of year even harder. I am glad that he is no longer in pain. I will miss you grandpa.
to help me heal I have started learning to play the guitar (pictured on the right) my fingers are raw from playing but I am making a lot of progress! I have now covered the guitar in Disney Stickers.
 I also have a rental car until my car gets in from oregon. It should be here in the next couple days. I do not miss the bus rides (pictured left).
 Me in back of the castle in costume (yes we have permission to take these photos) we had to wait till the park cleared. This photo was taken new years at 4 am in the morning!
 I have my new key and I am actually all moved in already! only one box left to unpack. photos coming soon of the new place!
And I worked another location this week. Once upon a toy in down town disney soon to be know as disney springs. It was very odd being in pants for once :p  I hope everyone is doing well, I will be posting more about my time working at ESPN next week soon. I am so glad to be in my own place now!!!!